Friday, July 16

the biggest language loser

this is not the biggest loser program
the application and audition for the biggest loser had ended long time ago
*so please wait for next season -.-* 
I wanna be just like her !

back to the biggest language loser
thats me ! 
for your information I have to two language subjects 
which are BEL120 : English and BBM111 : Bahasa Malaysia 
for BEL120 I don't really face any problem because I had taken that subject before
and English is my main language since I  left high school
meaning no more essay in Malay since I left high school
everything was done in English
I even learn maths and account in English 
I do not know those subjects specific term in Malay
after four years my proper Bahasa Malaysia getting worst
I can't even remember what is 'penanda wacana' ,'kata majmuk' 
and now in BBM111 class I heard of new things like 'kata morfology', 'kata ankronim'
my grammar for Bahasa Malaysia is BAD !
*as well as my English -.-*
getting rusty after four years
before this I only Google spelling in English to get it right
but now spelling in Bahasa Malaysia force me to use Google just like I did for English
pathetic !    
*aiyoo. then what language do use everyday fatin ? Arabic huh ?!*
my problem is I use 'bahasa pasar' or manglish in my everyday life.  

well not this bad -.-
I hope by taking BBM111 
I can polish back my Bahasa Malaysia.
and my essay in bahasa will show some improvement !
BAD you manglish !

Tuesday, July 6

suspense catwalk ! !
walk ! walk ! walk !
today is the second day of the first week
nothing much happened because I only got one class for today
but beside the nothing much happened
there was something happened 
*eh ? -.-*
today we have mass comm students meeting
from part one until part six
and as part one student
we had been asked by our coordinator miss betty
to do a catwalk in front of all seniors 
and introduce ourself 
dup dup dup dup dup 
*heart beat *

this was not what my catwalk looked like -.-
this was what I felt.

I wanna be an ostrich at that time
cause I'm a very shy person
*hmm is that true ?*
so what I did to reduce my nervousness 
I am trying to apply what my lecturer had teach me in the public speaking class
I think what he had teach is working for me at that time
I'm still shaking but in a slow frequency 
if I don't think of he had teach
 I will faint on that stage ! 
so thank you en.emman
*ye bersyukur kita ke hadrat ilahi*
I still remember this said by amir aiman my classmate during his catwalk
genius and funny !

Tuesday, June 29

taraaaaa ! and it begins

while waiting the idea for this entry to come
I am listening to Amr Diab songs
then 5 minutes later 
TINGG ! *light bulb*
pergh ! Amr Diab you are my inspiration TRULY :DD 

my class started on monday which was yesterday.
zee class schedule for this semester is not pack at all 
accept for wednesday class start at 8.30am until 6.30pm
*I can do this !*
well lets talk about zee classes
yesterday I attended three classes 
start with COM165, the lecturer for this subject is miss betty 
BUT ! she on leave -.- and en. emman replacing her for one week.
so basically this class is all about public speaking.
I'm suck at public speaking.
true statement with no doubt -.-
but hey ! ececececececeh 
I will try my very best to compete with others in this class.
ooh yes no final paper ! HAHAHAHA !
*ok less subject to study in final soon*

lets move to next subject
COM 161 or in other word communication and media study,
sort of that -.-
and the lecturer is....... drum role! 
en.zulkamal  the softspoken lecturer.
*hah ! wait until he got angry then you will know*
according to en zul this subject full of fact.
so it is quite boring
*tell me !*
lotsa memorizing is about to happen for this beloved subject 
I'll provide more space in my brain for this subject
*confirm its going to be my favorite subject*

next is cik ma or her full name is Hasmalina Hassan
or ntv7 lecturer soon becoming tv9
hehe !
don't be surprise although we call her cik ma
she's married and preggy 
*jiwa kena muda kan cik ma :DD*

she is my lecturer for CSC134 and this one  is all about the computer
in and out !
cpu, motherboard, monitor, and so on. 
I remember cik ma said to us 
"if you not excellent in your study at least you excellent in your life"
so today once again I attended COM165
and en. emman assigned us to sing in front of the class.
aiyoo I'm a bad singer doink !
iskandar which was my partner for the singing thingy and I sang a song 
called when you say nothing at all by ronan keating 
I was freaking nervous but had so much fun actually :DD
please do ask me to sing in the future cause I'm bad at it -.-"
ooh by the way I realize one thing since my class start
I've abandon my mp4.
I did bring it to college but got no time to listen to it.
I miss my arabic song, they are like drug to me.
I can't live without it !

here's my inspiration for today